My Mission:

My mission and goal is to help you find balance and help you understand how to manage your health, lifestyle and fitness with the demands of your professional and private life. 

As a mom of 3, a business owner, corporate personal trainer and a entrepreneur, I understand what it is like to be pulled all the ways!  It takes tools, guidance, commitment, accountability and again, TOOLS.  That is my job and what I offer you as your one on one coach.  As we meet together we break down what isn’t working and turn it into your daily success.  This concept has proven to transform many lives and I can’t wait to see how we can transform yours!

My goal for you is to find time everyday, to fuel correctly, workout, take on your professional challenges, be present in your home, and improve your health all at the same time.  



Mountains and being outside, trail running, racing, traveling, being on a boat, love, music with a beat, positive people, motivating podcasts, a good challenge, a #saladaday, sweet potato fries, running mountains with my friends, seeing my kids happy and accomplishing their goals, people who work hard, defying age, accomplishing goals, organization, a clean house, laughing, surprises, and figuring out where I’m going without using GPS!



I grew up going to the gym with my mom.  It was precious time that we would spend together, but it also lit a fire in me, very early on in my life.  By the time I was 19 I was certified and teaching and training people weekly.  I feel EXTREMLY blessed to find my passion for life very early on.  It has taken me on a wild ride from teaching Spin, to Zumba, to competing on stage in a NPC biking competition to earning turning into an ultra runner, landing myself 2nd place (2x!) as an Elite female Spartan Racer.

The present me LOVES, spending time with my three kids, and doing anything outdoors.  I am creative by nature, so doing things that fuel that creativity brings me so much peace and happiness.  Providing personalized nutrition and workout programs to reprogram metabolisms is creativity for me!  Every person is unique.  A puzzle.  And I get to build programs that change lives.  I’m eternally grateful for that!

My Master Health Coaching Program has transformed hundreds of peoples lives for the LONG term.  My lifestyle approach is not just a fad diet or approach that will come and go.  My goal is for you to transform your habits, approach, style, and health for the long term.  To wake up each day excited to conquer not just your to do’s, but your dreams and desires, because you FEEL GOOD.  You have energy, vitality, motivation to workout and are excited to keep finding a different level of you. 

Personalized nutrition and coaching is a GAME CHANGER!  Together we work with your schedule, demands, workouts, goals, and lifestyle to find what peak performance looks like for you. And I make workouts extremely easy to access through my WORKOUT APP!

The future me is, of course, focused on the next time I can hit the mountain/workout and I love to have clients and friends join me whenever they can.  I truly do strive and care so much about my clients and their success.  You quickly become friends, family and together we work to bring more peace, awareness and health into your life. 



It’s ok to go through different versions of your physical fitness journey.  To keep myself motivated and moving I have taught almost every type of fitness class, competed in a NPC bikini competition, ran as an elite athlete, learned to dance and teach Zumba, and certified and taught Yoga.  There is power to learning new things!  Being curious and accepting change and wanting to provide the best coaching for my clients is a huge reason I stay motivated day to day.

I’m 43, a mom to 3 teens, Utah born and raised, and I love being an athlete, coach and nutritionist.  At 19, I started teaching spin and step classes and a year or so after started personal training, (one on one, small group, and corporate training).  I quickly learned that nutrition and performance go hand in hand and then added nutritionist to my resume so I could help athletes of all levels perform better, smarter and harder.

As an elite spartan racer (which means age is irrelvant) I get to go toe to toe with some of the most elite female athletes in the world, climbing mountains and conquering obstacles in all kinds of weather.  It’s pushes me out of my comfort zone enough to keep me fighting to find the best version of me physically and mentally and I plan to share more of my experiences right here on the blog.

I have ALWAYS loved helping people better their lives though nutrition and movement, and I continue to live passionately with this purpose.