Two of my favorite thought quotes…

Two of my favorite thought quotes…

One of my favorite authors right now is James Clear. His words are exactly what his last name implies. They are just clear and so are these two quotes of his that I love right now.

When choosing a new habit many people seem to ask themselves, “What can I do on my best days?” The trick is to ask, “What can I stick to even on my worst days?”

Our worst days truly show us where our center is at, and what habits or goals we truly care about prioritizing. And we ALL have “worse” days. So when forming new habits, think deeper. What can YOU stick to…even on your worst days.

Exercising might be hard, but never moving makes life harder. Uncomfortable conversations are hard, but avoiding every conflict is harder. Mastering your craft is hard, but having no skills is harder. Easy has a cost.

Easy has a cost. Yet we think easy is simply that…EASY. But how does easy affect us in the long term? It’s easy to just stop and get fast food. But the long term affects of unhealthy food could be heart disease, diabetes, and poor quality of life and make for an incredibly more difficult life, all because of multiple EASY decisions.

We talk a lot about how to make the “hard” things easier, by reviewing & changing habits. With practice those hard things become our easy things and a healthy, good quality life becomes first nature.

Hope to see you in the program soon!
